The picture of the boys hovering over the girl creates the feeling of who is in control. Males tend to take the role of seducing women and allowing the women to feel helpless and loss of control for oneself. When girls look at this ad especially young women they would think that's how the male population wants to portray to women how in control they are supposed to be. No women likes to be tied down restrained from doing what they want or does anybody else. This picture shows the typical male domination. The boy holding the woman down is in a very sexual position where both feel vulnerable to other things. I did not like the way this ad was portrayed because men and women are both equal and the fact that she is being held down is just not right to a woman. If this ad was turned around and there was one male that was held down and a group of women surrounding him, then society would be confused because this ad resembles a sense of control over the other sex and women aren't looked as to being in control (even though we are stronger than males think we are).
The picture of the almost naked woman allows young girls to get that ideal of how the perfect woman needs to look. The girl is advertising the fur coat, but using sexuality to sell the product where it catches the eye. This girl is being used for looks so that people can't resist the warmth of the fur coat. Honestly both the male and female genders are used like this when companies are trying to sell a product because this day in age the main reason why people buy things is how they advertise it and how it looks on a very attractive person. If I had the body of this woman I would so pose for an advertisement. Just like in the reading for this week, having self-esteem one can do anything and look past the fact they aren't perfect but everyone needs to feel confident in their own skin. I do not see anything wrong with this ad except the fact its directly pointed to sex.
The last ad which is the Bongo ad, shows how a typical normal girl should portray themselves. Audrina, the girl in the ad, shows off her beauty and perfect figure. I know the computer helped out the way she looks in the magazine but even without help she is known to being a beautiful person in everyday life. She is very conservative in this ad, in my opinion, and I would think this is a great ideal of what a typical young woman truly looks like. Yes you have all shapes and sizes of women but the girl in the ad isn't in any sexual position, all she is selling are the jeans. If I was creating my own advertisement I would create one almost like this one. The product is the number one focus of any ad, so I would make that the main focus of the picture and have a woman or man standing strong while showing each sexes true identity in society.
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