This is an ad for Dove. This ad shows women of different races, and body size. Showing these different women gives a positive image because it shows these different women and they seem to be happy with the skin they are in. Like embrace your self and love your body no matter if you're skiny or if you're cruvy. If i was to create an advertisement I would make on like this to let other women know to love themselves. Thats is okay to have a little meat on your bone. That you don't have to be a size zero to be happy. I would portray a unity of women coming together to promote beauty just like this ad for dove. I would market my ad in magazines that young girls read so they will see something positive instead of "how to lose weight to make a guy fall for you" or some other crazy ads and articles magazines used to tell young girls they have to be smaller to be happy,

This ad is for a the nightclub Prive in Las Vegas. This ad shows a big group of young women on the floor which looks like they are in a bathroom. All the women on the floor look like they can be in college and had a wild time in Vegas. They are all touching or holding each other in a sexual. way. The as promotes that women do not have any self control if they drink. That you could have your way withwomen if you get them drunk. The girl on the bottom right seems to be pasted out and anything could happen to her. Someone could take advantage of her . All the young women in this ad look like they are ready to have sex. What happend in Vegas does it really stays inVegas.

This is an ad is for Equinox Gym. It shows different marks all over their bodies as if they are getting cosmetic surgery. Which sends the message that if you cannot lose the weight in the gym then cosmetic surgery is something you should think about. The ad shows a really hot guy hovering over this one particular woman, he is feeding her grapes which tell the person who looks at this ad that if you lose weigth or get some kind of cosmeric surgery, than you will one day have a really hot guy feeding you grapes. This supposed to make you feel like this is the kind of life you will have after you lose the weight. This ad also shows male dominance, the way the woman is position she is arced back some and looks forced to eat the grapes. The man is looking down upon this woman like he has the power to do so. The Gyms Motto in this ad is "Its not fitness, Its Life." These women are using their sex appeal to sell the gym and to make other women believe that they can be just like them and that their lives will be much happier after they lost the weight.
In the advertisement industry they always say that sex sell. In reality it really does because if the people in the ads are sexy that makes people feel as if they can be just like those people in the ads then they can have the sameyhing the people are trying to sell. People will buy anything if the think it will make their life better or happier.
I also picked a Dove advertisement. I just love how they show all different types of women: body sizes, color of skin, and the way the overall look. None of these women are fake, which you can tell. This is the american beauty that should be covered throughout all advertisements. The dove ad's always make me smile because they do not hide the true beauty of women.
ReplyDeleteI think that the "Happily Ever" at the bottom corner is also pretty explanatory of what the message of the ad is. It is saying that if you go to the gym and lose weight then you will live happily ever after. Also, in the ad for the night club, it can be concluded that they are trying to send the message that that is the best way to attract men to that nightclub. I feel like it should be a repellent for women. I think that if there is an advertisement for a nightclub where there are a bunch of girls passed out on the floor, or looking like they have been drugged, you should probably not have much desire to go to that club, because it probably isn't very safe.