The Evian ad is the second ad that I chose that I found to also be offensive towards women. Once again sex is being used to sell a product. The woman in this ad appears to be completely naked which is ridiculous. The woman is shown making a snow angel in the nude. Besides the mountains in the background, this ad has absolutely nothing to do with bottled water. I do not think making nude snow angels sounds appealing at all. This ad is definitely not going to make me want to drink Evian water.
The Dove anti-aging ad is a great advertisement. It is showing women that we are all beautiful. We do not have to be young and skinny to feel like a woman. Not only is this woman older, but she is also African-American. Most advertisements include the typical white, blonde, female. This woman is neither of those things which makes it especially interesting. I really like how Dove has created advertisements that show women we are all beautiful no matter what race, age, or size. Hopefully more companies will catch on and stop using women's bodies and sex to sell their products.
I love the Dove ad you chose. It crosses race, beauty, and age in one photo and really makes a great point with it. "Beauty has no age limit"... More people need to start believing that and they only way we can start doing that is to have more ads like that EVERYWHERE for everyone to see.