This is a very uncommon, natural, positive advertisement. It goes completely against todays "myths" of beauty. The ad shows a group of women in their own skin; not a computer programs. Also, it shows that together women can be themselves and do anything they please. If I were to create an ad to empower women I would depict a group of people of all races and gender uniting in a circle linking hands (similar to Coca-Cola's campaign in the 70's). This shows unity and with unity anything can be done.

This ad is promoting Lanvin Paris through a female kissing and touching a guy. Like we discussed in class, the man is standing strong wow the woman is using him to lean on; showing none of her face. This is an extremely implict message hinting at the idea of power through gender.This ad does not focus as much on beauty myths as it does gender roles. It is very obvious that this ad is depicting women as less powerful, and needing someone to always lean on.

The second ad I have attached is promting Beyonces new fragrance, HEAT. The ad itself hardly even shows the bottle of perfume. In fact, they strategically placed the bottle near where the every-day man would look: below her breasts. It is extremely obvious that the ad is showing of her flawless body, but some people may not fully catch onto its's sexual inneundo. The implict message the ad is stating is sex. The words "HEAT, catch the fever" are placed directly above Beyonce's spread legs. Also, the fact that she is a black woman yet hardly shows any African-American traits brings race into the discussion.
These days, sexual advertising such as these are more common than their counterparts (positive advertising). Companies seem to be making money off of the scandolous ads they run, so they continue to do it. Little do they know that they are slowly killing the hearts of teenage women everywhere. I think that since our generation is more liberal many of us disregard the sexual messages and see them as "normal".
Will DeShazo
To be honest I just do not see what is wrong with the second ad. The woman is not being forced to be on the man, in fact he is barley touching her at all, and she seems to be pretty in control and happy about what she is doing. I also do not understand what is so bad about the stereotypical "manly" role. I think most women find it attractive for a man to be strong and someone they can lean on. As a culture most women are naturally attracted to masculinity, and just because the man is the more masculine one does not mean that he is abusive to a woman or belittles her in any way.