Thursday, April 14, 2011
Group 4 Update
Introduction slides-Taylor Winkler (2-3)
Statistics and Facts-Kelley Malone/Raven Carr (3-4) good sources and cite them
Video Slides-Shelby Williams (2-3)
Survey Slides-Jamie Howard (3-4)
This is not final this just what Jamie and I have come up with so that we can get this done.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Learning Module 10 LIVE LEARNING MODULE due 4/20 by NOON

FRIDAY 4/15 1:00 pm – Screening of PBS’s In The Life episode featuring KIN4LIFE, followed by Q&A with Nor & IQ of KIN4LIFE – ten Hoor 125
SUNDAY 4/17 Noon-6pm – Attend one of the workshops at Alabama Art Kitchen – 2626 University Blvd
Noon – Ladyfest Zine Workshop – Learn about the history and importance of zines and help make a zine for Ladyfest Deep South 2011.
3:30PM – Vagina Monologue Workshop – If you’ve ever heard of the Vagina Monologues, then this is the arts and crafts version of that. Come create your own!
4:30PM – Herbs Health for Women – This class is a very broad, general, and beginner friendly exploration of plant-based medicines for women. Local, Abby Hall Luca, will cover several herbs and herbal formulas/ preparations for young through post-menopausal women. No knowledge of herbs required!
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
LEARNING MODULE NINE Due Sat. 4/9 by noon
National Sexual Violence Resource Center
Understanding Sexual Assault & What to do if it Happens to You
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Toronto Slutwalk
Monday, April 4, 2011
group 3
Section 1: Group 3
Title of Project: Body Image
Date of Presentation: Monday, April 25, 2011
Project Conception:
- The main thing that we want to explore when doing this topic is to aim at those who are about the same age as we are. We are going to focus on college students around campus, both boy and girl.
- We are going to explore the problems that these college students tend to go through and get their true outlook on what they perceive the ‘perfect body’ to be.
Questions when Interviewing:
- What do you think the perfect body image is?
- Give/Offer statistics on how the average woman is categorized compared to how those on the front page of magazines.
- Show the person being interviewed a picture of an ad and ask them their first impression of that picture and then ask them how it should be portrayed.
Literature Review:
- In developing our project we are going to be referring back to the ad and discussion form class on the topic ‘Killing us Softly’.
Project Method:
- Our group is going to explore college age students and get true opinions on how people see others in this day in time.
- We are also going to explore and use magazine ads as well as how women are used in music videos.
- We are also going to be using the student media center and are planning on using a video camera and microphone and implement these interviews into our powerpoint slide show which will be shown during our presentation.
Project Contribution:
- We hope to contribute in our classmates understanding of the project by addressing the reality of how body image is clearly being seen through the eyes of college students today.
Individual Group Member Tasks:
- Everyone decided that each group member will be responsible in asking the same questions to 2 different people (male/female).
- We divided up what groups of people that we are going to be interviewing and they are: 2 different religious students, 2 African American males, 2 African American females, 2 White males, 2 White females.
- Everyone has the responsibility of being the videographer and interviewing their specific group.
- Emilie and Emily are finding pictures to use in this project to use during the interviews. Morgan is putting together the written proposal with the help of all group members.
- Also everyone is responsible to discuss their interviews to the class as well as making their slide for the powerpoint.
Agreed Upon Schedule of Completion:
- Sunday, April 3 = proposal
- April 4th – 9th = gather questions/ ads
- April 11th – 16th = video taping
- April 17th – 20th = edit video
- April 20th = final touch-ups/ finish project
- April 25th = give in-class oral presentation
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Section 1, Group 2 Project Proposal
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Group 1 Project Proposal
Invisible Genders, presenting 4/18/2011
Group 1, Section 1
Kaylyn Johnson
Will Deshazo
Sierra Terrell
Paige Blonder
Virginia Jackson
Rachel Licata
Project Conception
· We hope to explore the issues of transmisogyny and transphobia and place them in the larger context of sexism. We also hope to explore how they reinforce, and are reinforced by, other oppressions.
· Questions we will be asking of participants:
o Before
§ What comes to mind when you hear the words “transmisogyny” and “transphobia”?
§ What is your definition of “oppression”?
§ Do you consider yourself oppressed? If so, why?
§ Do you feel like oppressions can combine with each other to be a stronger force?
§ Have you ever come into contact with a transsexual? In what context? How did it make you feel?
o After
§ We will be asking the same first two questions again.
§ If opportunities were made clear, would you be willing to be an activist dealing with transmisogny and transphobia?
§ If you come into contact with a transsexual now, how do you think you would feel? Have your feelings changed? Why, or why not?
o Video Interviews
§ We will be asking many of the same questions, depending on when we will be interviewing the participant. We will also give them time to talk about any other ideas relating to these issues that might not have been specifically addressed.
o Discussion Questions
§ Do you feel like transmisogyny and transphobia come about because of our society’s insistence on a gender binary?
§ Does the gender binary inherently favor one set of gendered characteristics?
§ Can you think of some ways in which a cis-gendered person has privilege because of this status? (Especially bring up healthcare and class issues.)
§ MtF transpeople are often more objectified, perhaps because their transition is more involved and thus they may be more easily recognizable as trans, at least for a period of time. Why do you think this is? Do you think it is because they are giving up the rights that society has given them based on their masculinity? How does this relate to sexism and gender roles?
§ Do you think that the T is silent in the LGBTQ community? Why might this be? Do you think this is a reflection of society at large, ie of other issues? How?
Literature Review
· Marilyn Frye’s “Oppression”
· Susan Stryker’s “Transgender Feminism: Queering the Woman Question”
· Julia Serano’s Whipping Girl: A Transsexual Woman on Sexism and the Scapegoating of Feminity
· Asher Bauer’s “A Day in the Life of an Angry Transsexual”
Project Method
· We will be hosting a short, informative lecture to be followed by a roundtable discussion.
o Wednesday, April 6, 7 pm in the Ferguson Center Gameroom
· We will be distributing before and after surveys to gauge how education and understanding of others’ viewpoints leads to change in opinion and/or desire for activism.
· We will also have optional video interviews to gain a more complete perspective than surveys alone allow.
· Our in-class presentation will be part video, part presentation.
Project Contribution
· We hope to inform society about the issue in order to aid them in forming non-biased opinions.
· We hope to help our classmates to realize that education really is a way to fight against oppression.
· We hope to help both society as a whole and our classmates to see that transmisogyny is rooted in sexism and the “cultural devaluation of the feminine.”
Individual Group Member Tasks
· Research and Compilation – Paige
o research of statistics and/or images to be brought up in discussion/presentation
o compilation of survey data
· Lecture for Discussion - Kaylyn
· Creation and Printing of Handouts
o created jointly at our third and/or fourth group meetings
o edited and printed - Will
· Creation and Printing of Surveys
o created jointly at our second group meeting
o edited and printed - Will
· Video Interviewing – Will and Rachel
· Video Editing – Virginia and Sierra
· Main Discussion Moderator - Kaylyn
· Speeches for In-Class Presentation
o Introduction/Informative
§ Introduction - Will
§ Informative - Kaylyn
o Conclusion/What We Learned - Rachel
Schedule of Completion
· Proposal will be posted by April 1.
o Created jointly at second group meeting (March 30).
· We will be meeting at 12:30 PM April 4.
o Goals for this meeting include:
§ discussion of research
§ ensuring group members are informed about the issues as well as appropriate and respectful discussion techniques
· We will be meeting at 9:00 PM April 5.
o Goals for this meeting include:
§ finalization of handouts
§ finalization of surveys
§ discussion of video interview details
§ ensuring group members are well-prepared to discuss the issues but also realize that participant discussion is more important than our own
· We will be hosting our event at 7:00 PM April 6.
o We will:
§ gather our survey data
§ have our video interviews
§ collect meaningful quotes from the discussion that showcase our points
· We will be meeting once early in the week of April 11.
o We will:
§ discuss how the event went and what we learned
§ get updates on how the video editing and survey compilations are going
§ discuss things that we feel should be included in our final presentation
· We will also be meeting once later in that week (or that weekend).
o We will:
§ finalize our list of topics for the presentation
§ view the video
§ incorporate the tables/graphs of survey data into our Powerpoints that will be used in the final presentation
Learning Module Eight DUE SATURDAY 4/2 BY NOON
Look up some of the videos discussed in this week’s readings. In two paragraphs, discuss what it means to "flip the scripts" of hetero-masculine sexual dominance. How does this also relate to re-appropriation and counter-appropriation? Who has the power to set the patterns for dominant forms of representation in the music industry and Why? (use “intersectionality” in your analysis)
Monday, March 28, 2011
And Baby makes Three: Karla and Stacy's Adoption Journey
Youtube video idea....let me know what yall think!
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
- Sarah Tate
- Jamie Howard
- Kelly Malone
- Shelby Williams
- Raven Carr
- Taylor Winkler
- Emily Blackwood
- Morgan Green
- Elizabeth Stickney
- Maggie McBride
- Emilie Paterson
- Brandon Davis
- Katherine Nowell
- Carolyn Churchill
- Robyn Jones
- Alysia Nailor
- Nichols Millard
- Kaylyn Johnson
- Will Deshazo
- Sierra Terrell
- Paige Blonder
- Virginia Jackson
- Rachel Licata
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Example of a Heterosexist Microaggression
Friday, March 4, 2011
This has a lot to do with last weeks topic and I read this and became furious. Just something really interesting to read. I'm sure you can form your own opinions.
Elton John adopting a baby & talking about anti-gay rhetoric
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Read the Heterosexual Questionnaire and take the time to answer the questions for yourself. Now read the following prompt and critically reflect upon the following questions. *Please note that if you do not identify as straight, feel free to adjust this prompt in a way you see fit. Either examine and explain how you would feel as a part of the dominant privileged group, what you think would be different, or explain how things are for you now not fitting into the dominant category. If you identify as bi or fluid in some way, feel free to discuss this as not having a category and how in either situation bisexuality/fluid sexuality gets left out.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
That's racism.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
It's Pay Equity Awareness Week!
February 28 - March 4
$tart $mart Pay Negotiation Workshop
Mar. 3, 2 p.m. - 4 p.m.
Ferguson 309
This seminar is open to Juniors, Seniors and Grad Students.
In The Red - Wear Red Day
Mar. 2
Wear red to show your support for equal pay among races and genders. Send your In The Red pictures to
Sponsored by:
The Women’s Resource Center
Career Center
National Pan-Hellenic Council
For more information,
contact Maria at
or call the WRC at 348-5040.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Imagine you are participating in a conversation with the Combahee River Collective and, in a consciousness-raising group, you read the following article: Recy Taylor: A Symbol of Jim Crow's Forgotten Horror.
Using the Combahee River Collective Statement and what you have learned in the past weeks, discuss a black feminist perspective to this issue (In 2-3 paragraphs). How would the Collective approach the issue, especially with regard to privilege, interlocking oppressions, “the personal is political”, and a critique of the limitations of dominant feminist and anti-racist approaches to hierarchies of inequality. What new perspectives might they offer? Be creative…imagine you are sitting at the table with them!
A chance to better understand some interlocking oppressions.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Imagine bell hooks joins the Combahee River Collective and in a consciousness-raising group reads her article “Straightening Our Hair,” and shows the film clip “A Girl Like Me.”
Based upon your readings for this week, discuss a black feminist perspective to this topic. How would the Collective approach the issue, especially with regard to privilege, interlocking oppressions, “the personal is political,” and a critique of the limitations of dominant feminist and anti-racist approaches to hierarchies of inequality. What new perspectives might they offer? Be creative…imagine you are sitting at the table with them!
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
- Choose three examples from either the White Privilege Checklist, the Male Privilege Checklist, and the Black Male Privilege Checklist, or the Heterosexual Checklist (Katz) that made you think about your own privilege in a new way and tell us why (1 paragraph)
- Now make your own checklist (5 items) and explain why these are privileges using the week’s readings and lecture. Explain key facets of the systems of oppression (gender, racial, heterosexist) that exist to reinforce these privileges in your life (2 paragraphs).
- Go to our section’s wallwisher link for “Gender Microaggressions” (also on E-learning). Post an example of a gender microaggression. Then post the message that this microaggression sends (this is a required posting and will count toward full credit for this learning module!)
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Save the Whales
"women" apparel...
Saturday, February 5, 2011

This is an ad for Mr. Leggs pants. It says "even though she was a tiger lady (whore) when she saw his Mr. Leggs she was 'floored'". It speaks of objectifying women and physical abuse against them (including rape). He has his foot on her head (intelligence and strength) and she is his rug to walk all over and do whatever else. This speaks volumes to the ignorant idea that men are smarter than women and women are ignorant in a are in a lower class than men. That women are wild animals that men have to take hold of and train so that they won't roam free. Also, because people can kill animals and make them into rugs and such, it's okay to harm women...which is nothing but ignorance.
I love this ad and the commercials. Even though it's a bunch of girls running through the street and may give off the impression of being wild, it speaks of freedom. With real life girls who are growing up in today's society proclaiming how the only person they want to be when they grow u[ is them. They are different, they are strong, they are smart, and they are learning about their freedom and rights...their independence. It also speaks to equality how they have various races present in the crowd of girls. They can be who they want to be and not what society says they have to be!!!
when is comes to advertisements:
The next photo I want to discuss is the second one. I feel like the Victoria Secret ads are the some of the main reasons why young women have a so many body image issues because these ads are literally everywhere and every single one of them gives the implication that these women are "What is Sexy". Like we talked about in class, all of these women hold such a small percentage in our population of women who's bodies actually look this way, and some of these women have more than likely had some form of plastic surgery. But young women by into this fantasy because they see how men react to the way these models look. I was working out this year while the Victoria Secret fashion show was on and I can't tell you how many guys I saw straining their necks to look at the models as they were working out. It was sickening and a little hilarious at the same time. But my point is that these type of ads are so unrealistic but its hard not to strive to look like these girls when they are continually being thrown in our faces all the time.
The first ad is my favorite. I love the new Tampax commercials that have started coming out this year. Tampax takes something that the society thinks make a women negatively different than men and makes a joke about it. The reason I like this ad specifically is because they use a strong public figure like Serena Williams to advertise it. She isn't the most beautiful or the skinniest, but she is a great women athelete that many girls look up to, and this ad is showing girls that we can tackle something, even as small as our period, and we can be proud of it. Cheesy, I know, but thats what I took away from this ad and I think there should be way more of these out there.
Does Sex Really Sell?

In the advertisement industry they always say that sex sell. In reality it really does because if the people in the ads are sexy that makes people feel as if they can be just like those people in the ads then they can have the sameyhing the people are trying to sell. People will buy anything if the think it will make their life better or happier.
Friday, February 4, 2011
Ads of dominance