Thursday, March 17, 2011

Example of a Heterosexist Microaggression

This is from a newspaper magazine. You can read part of the article here.


  1. I love how the media makes a big deal over something so little as this...I would have to disagree with this. Zac was not trying to make Vanessa jealous. People mess around everyday in a joking manner and if I saw someone do this I wouldn't think twice about anything. This doesn't make him gay by any means.

  2. I personally do not ever believe anything the magazines have to say. To me something so little as Zac could have gave a guy a hug turned into oh now he is gay. Zac Efron has also been picked on with his sexuality from day one because he is a disney musical star so it is easy for the media to hype something like this for money because people would easliy believe something like this.


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