In 2-3 paragraphs, please reflect upon the following article and place it in conversation with this week’s readings on globalization and women’s labor. What is the importance of labor unions here and abroad? Why are they particularly important for women laborers? How do union concerns here in the United States relate to union concerns in the “developing world”? (hint: consider free trade agreements). Can you imagine unions being a point of transnational solidarity for workers? Why?
As I read this article, it made me understand the importance of unions more. I had never really understood them, other than in the past of unions striking. I see this as being important now because there are many jobs that are underpaid. It's not just affecting one person, but many. If these unions can come together and have one common goal, such as higher wages, then they have a better shot at winning over their employer, rather than just one person going to them and complaining.
ReplyDeleteI believe that unions are extremely important for women because the majority of the time, women are the employees who are underpaid, or in other countries working in awful conditions. These women need to come together and work to get out of this oppression. Also, I think it is important because as we saw in the article about the women in Wisconsin, they are the ones who are providing for the general public, like teachers, nurses, and social workers. I think the government needs to step back and realize that without these positions, a community could not function at all.
Union concerns here in the U.S. relate to union concerns in the developing world because it is somewhat the same problems. Women here, and in other countries are either facing poor wages and working conditions, or being threatened with no job. At this time, everyone needs a job. I think unions will be a point of transnational solidarity for workers because if they come together, then there is a better chance of things being accomplished. I also think that it is in general safe to be a part of a union in case something goes wrong, such as the employers granting wishes, and then coming back on their word. I would see this particularly happening in other countries.
Activity by labor unions in the United States today centers on collective bargaining over wages, benefits, and working conditions for their membership and on representing their members if management attempts to violate contract provisions. Today most labor unions in the United States are members of the American Federation of Labor–Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO) or the Change to Win Federation. Both organizations advocate policies and legislation favorable to workers in the United States and Canada. People abroad do not think the same as U.S. do, so this is a major issue in how their labor unions are run which seem to be causing more controversy. Noted in this article, Legislation and unionization were the only two ways to protect workers said by Eleanor Roosevelt in her thought joining a union was the best way for women to improve their working lives. She also stated that March was the anniversary of the women’s movement which gave women right to certain laws.
ReplyDeleteThe recent global economic crisis has prompted unprecedented cooperation between the world's major economies with the goal of standardizing and effectively regulating the global financial markets. With respect to trade issues, many of the less-developed countries have created the greatest recent resistance to the global pressure to reduce trade barriers through World Trade Organization (WTO) agreements where agricultural products seem to be the main problem. I cannot see unions becoming this because people here in the United States think so much differently than they do oversees, and in my point of view I would think that, that would cause so much controversy, if we didn’t have enough already.
Nichols Millard
ReplyDeleteOverall, I feel that women should never been treated unfairly in the first place dating back to the first colony of Jamestown. Women have been somewhat of a outcast just due to their sex over the past. Eleanor Roosevelt stated that Legislation and Unionization were the only two ways to protect workers in this current day society. Unions need to all come together and fight for the same goal all women. Recent global economic crisis has prompted unprecedented cooperation between the world’s major economies with the goal of standardizing and effectively regulating global financial markets. This problem isn’t only in American either women all across the world have been fighting the same battle.
Unions need to fight for women who are working in bad conditions and work to increase hourly wages. The Government needs to step back and realize that without women in certain positions our community couldn’t function. This article made me understand the importance of unions and how women today are still fighting an uphill battle. Overall, I feel that our women society needs to realize that you can talk; you have to act to get what you want in this world. Hopefully in years to come the gap between women and men’s opportunities will decrease in the sense that Unions will come together and solve this issue.
I have never really had a good understanding of what unions do for their members. After reading this article, I learned how unions are needed in the workforce and I am disturbed by all the corporations that are always trying to fight unions and destroy them. Without unions, workers would not have a voice and workers would be treated as animals and not actual human beings. This article in particular focuses on women and how unions effect women in the past and the current workforce. No matter if it is in America or abroad unions need to be everywhere in every company. In these current people are afraind to start unions because they fear they will lose their job. Unions are vital to the fight against labor abuse from upper manangement against the workers. Unions help workers recieve better wages, hours , etc. Men and women both benefit from unions.
ReplyDeleteThis article focuses on the importance of union's effects on women workers. It helps women out by shrinking the gap between men and women wages. Women need unions to show that they deserve equal treatment and if they work together, they will see results. Unions are just another way women can continue to fight opression against women.
Unions are very important to workers across the world that live in slave camps making plastic cups for Wal-Mart. Those people need to organize because they are treated so terribly and it is really sad to think about. People working in those corporate factories are working 60 hours a week for $5. They also are working in terrible conditions that are just not safe working environments. If these people come together, the corporations will hopefully make a change and treat these people right. Like I stated earlier, unions will help create equality in the workforce for men and women. Unions are important and need to be in every corporation.
The importance of labor unions are to organize and negotiate with management for safer working conditions, a decent wage, healh insurance, vacations, and retirement. Most importantly labor union work for the good of the employees of a particular company in making sure that they are treated fairly. They are important for women because women are often taken advantage of and typically treated unfairly. Women are still not getting the same treatment as men. Labor unions fight to get the women equal treatment and the same benefits as men.
ReplyDeleteRecent union concerns are fought for the women of Wisconsin. These women are being blamed for problems that they did not create. There rights are being taken away for unjust reasons. I thought issues like this were issues of the past and would never arise again. Women are now fighting to get there rights back. Where as in the developing world workers are creating more labor unions to handle there working concerns. I do believe that unions could eventually be a point of transnational solidarity for workers. With this, more will be accomplished.
Labor unions are good in all aspects for working citizens. I've learned previously that unions are not only for factory workers or for company workers but for actors as well. Unions have a common goal of working with the hard working citizens to make sure they get benefits, higher salaries and better working conditions. I had to read a book about the triangle factory and a lot of the things I read really put what unions do into perspective. They make it easier for not only all the workers but women as well to make sure their voice is heard and topics brought up are discussed. Not all Unions have the same goals and same key points so it makes working with other countries a little more difficult but Unions are there to be the buffer and talk about the situations to meet a common goal.
ReplyDeleteYet talking to my dad who works for an national company he feels that some unions are there to just sound good. In order to keep workers you need to have the best anyways. And that Unions now just are there to sound good and take your money and feels that they are more beneficial for third world countries who don't have the things and the freedom like we do here.