Wednesday, March 23, 2011


  1. Sarah Tate
  2. Jamie Howard
  3. Kelly Malone
  4. Shelby Williams
  5. Raven Carr
  6. Taylor Winkler


  1. hey y'all!

    So, I was just looking over all of the project options that are listed in our packet, and I think we should do something that is a strong issue for people our age and at this campus since this has to be an interactive project. For example, abortion is an applicable topic for college-aged students, and anything having to do with racial issues creates a stir in the state of Alabama.

    Maybe we could do the one that says to have a debate? Or maybe the public service announcement?

  2. it'd be super interesting to do a public service announcement with facts about abortion such as when the fetus can and cannot feel pain, other options, etc.

    An idea was was mulling over today has to do with women in politics, specifically a woman as president. Since next year is an election year I think it'd be interesting to gather people's opinions on having a woman president, paritcularly the question of "What qualities would a woman have to possess for you to vote for her in a presidential race?"
    We could make a survey and give it out online via a website (surveymonkey is one i've done surveys for classes on before) and get a few people to voice their opinions in an interview. We could do the media portion by compiling the information and putting together a short film presenting everything we found.
    I'm interested in the responses we would get from people of all political ideologies.

  3. Women in politics would be a great topic. However, we need to seriously think about the questions we would ask in a survey because one question won't be enough, as interesting as it may be. I'm open to anything, but we definitely need to consider the effectiveness of whatever process we choose to gather information. For example, I have had to give out surveys for papers, and often times people forget to fill them out or just don't fill them out.

    No matter which topic we choose, I think we should definitely incorporate a film whether it be of a debate, of interview responses, etc.

  4. I think focusing our project on reproductive justice. The pro-choice and pro-life debate is a subject to focus on. The survey would have to be detailed and really make our subjects really think about their answers and maybe show them things about themselves they did not know. I like the debate method to present our findings and a good way to present our data to the class. With a debate we could probably ask the class which sides they felt had the best argument. All the ideas so far are good and I hope picking our subject will not take much effort. The sheet has a lot of good topics to choose from and I think abortion would be a great topic.

  5. I really like the idea of a debate or perhaps just taking a verbal survey of random people on campus, however I feel like the subject of abortion tends to be brought up, discussed, and debated quite often. I think it would be really interesting to get people's opinions on the idea of a woman as president because it would challenge people to form an opinion on a subject they may not have never really thought much about.

  6. I'm open to all suggestions but I agree with Kelly. Abortion has been discussed and debated, what feels like, quite a bit.

    Other questions besides "Would you want a woman president?" could be "Would you vote for a woman who was a racial minority for president?" and "How high of a position are you comfortable with a woman holding in the government?"

    If we don't all like the idea of doing either abortion or women in politics would be to have a roundtable discussion and/or debate on adoption issues. A lot of gay couples still cannot adopt, and we could also include transpeople in relationships trying to adopt.

  7. ** "If we don't all like the idea of doing either abortion or women in politics another idea would be to have a roundtable discussion ..."
    Sorry for the typo.

  8. So I read through some of the ideas that were on the handout... I kind of like th one about "disrupting a social expectation or norm" through your own behavior and document individual's reaction to you. I think maybe individually or in a group go to a public place dressed as the opposit sex, or portraying a gay/lesbian relationship and somehow record how people look at you and react to you (possible hidden camera? ... not really sure what the media center has for us to use)

    By documenting the way other people react to someone that is out of the norm... we could show how society has expectations of how people are supposed to look and act according to their gender/sex.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.


    Everyone make sure the survey looks right, and then I think we can all post it onto our facebooks!

  11. Awesome! Thanks, Sarah.

  12. I like it! Looks good and thank you for doing that

  13. No problem at all! I posted it ten minutes ago, and I already have 15 responses! Hopefully we get a diverse range of opinions!

  14. Im getting responses too and it has been up less than 5 minutes! I also posted another youtube link on the main blog site...(I can not figure out how to do it on here)
    But it is a gay adoption ad and I think it would be good to show it before the slideshow along with the other one

  15. How is the project proposal coming?

  16. That's exactly what I was about to ask. I cannot remember who was supposed to write it for the life of me right now.

    Also- how are the responses coming for the survey? Is there a way for everyone in our group to view them?

  17. you just have to log in under my username.

    it's sctate
    password is saydi123

    For some reason I thought you said you were doing the proposal, but I could be completely making that up!!

  18. Has anyone been able to add raven on fb?
    I know she is doing the power point... has anyone heard from her?
    Also, when do we want to present ?
    And I can do the proposal if y'all want.
    My email is will y'all send me an email and we can talk ab who all is doing what to make sure were on the same page.
    Sorry for all of the questions

  19. We present the last day. It's on the project guidelines she gave us.

    haven't found her on fb though.

    BY: Group 1 Section 004
    1.Title: Parenting Rights
    2.Project Conception: Exploring society’s expectations and sexual norms of parents who adopt. Questions that will be asked:
    -What is your sex/age/sexual orientation?
    -Do you support non heterosexual couples who choose to adopt (why or why not)?
    -Would you change your opinion if the child's only option was adoption, and the child was coming from a home of drugs, abuse, etc?
    -Do you think that a child adopted by a gay couple is more likely to be gay vs. a child of a straight couple?
    -Do you support artificial insemination for a lesbian couple?
    -Should parents support a child's decision to change his or her gender? (ex. A four year old boy suddenly dressing in girl's clothing and playing with dolls while renaming himself something feminine)
    3.Literature Review: “Homophobia: A Weapon of Sexism”, “Homophobia: Why Bring it up”, “Heteronormativity”
    4.Project Method: power point presentation of youtube videos relevant to the topic and parenting rights survey ( posted as link on each group member’s facebook page)
    5.Project Contribution: to show that social expectations/norms do exist and show a specific group and situation that is targeted in the US; to show how people feel about gay/lesbian couples that adopt; to provide facts and information to our classmates about non-heterosexual adoption
    6.Individual Group Member Tasks:
    - Sarah Tate: created the survey
    - Shelby Williams: wrote project proposal
    - Raven Carr: powerpoint
    - Jaime Howard: present the project
    -*All members are supposed to post survey link to facebook page
    7. Schedule of completion: Monday April 18th Class Presentation

  21. Thank you, Shelby!

  22. Hey who is supposed to be writing the proposal, sorry I have been gone for a few days I have had a lot of tests. I have forgotten what my job was in the group, so hopefully we can meet after or before class and discuss what the next step will be.

  23. Yall are welcome! I had to kind of make up some of the group member tasks because I havent heard from everyone.
    Sarah- I hope youre doing okay. Do you know when you will be back?
    And can our group have like a quick 5 minute meeting right after class tomorrow to figure everything out?

  24. Group Four! This a a great project idea! I especially like your employment of on your facebook pages. You might post a video clip or two to promote individuals awareness about the issues you are confronting (the Lisa Ling OUR AMERICA clip from class, for example). It is important for you to take the data you collect from your surveys, while also reflecting on how to increase awareness and combat some common stereotypes as a means of consciousness-raising.
    Good Luck!

  25. hey sorry I havent been on here in a while but thanks so much for doing the proposal!! As far as our individual tasks go, I would like to help out with the presentation of the project, and when are we going to go over the results and get the presentation together?

  26. We really need to get in touch with Raven because she is supposedly doing the powerpoint. If she doesn't contact us, we should just tell Jessica and I'll make the powerpoint or maybe Taylor could make it.

  27. hey everyone i had a great idea for the powerpoint instead of using facebook colors to be our color theme maybe some bright bold colors to catch the attention of the class so they would wanna look at it and i was thinking to use pitures of celebrities that have adopted children who are in same sex relationships and couples who are in relationship with adopted children as well just let me know what you guys think.
    sorry i havent been around but i've been handling some family issues

  28. I like your ideas Raven, and we should probably get together at some point and discuss the results

  29. I agree. When is everyone available?

  30. About the powerpoint... just make sure the colors arent too girly since we have a guy in our group.
    And I saved the 2 videos that I found to my computer that we can do before our powerpoint. Also, I found some facts about gay and lesbian adoption. Do we want to put some of those at the end of the powerpoint?
    Another idea, we could involve the class by asking them the questions from the survey, let them answer by clicker, see the class percentages and then show the results that we got from facebook to see if their opinions relate to others.Im sure we will have to get Dr. Shoaff to set that up for us before we start our presentation. Just a way to get them involved so they arent completely bored.
    Is there a way we could meet for 5 minutes before or after class wednesday? I sit at the top in the middle.
    I really do think if we can get organized that this will be a really good presentation

  31. I don't know if we should do both videos before the power point maybe we could possibly do the one about the lesbian couple first to kind of give an idea of where we are going, and then set it up so once we get to the topic of whether or not the child would turn gay then play the other one. We do need some interesting facts for the power point, maybe we can all find some and then decide on the most interesting to include. I am free anytime before or after class.

  32. I like the idea of the clicker, but how simple will that be to actually do? I think we need to meet at Gorgas sometime maybe this coming week, but we're having issues all seeing the comments on time on this blog.

    When we meet let's try to have the powerpoint pretty much ready to go, and we can just kind of make sure it all flows and run through the project all together so we don't look totally out of it when we present. I know I'll be leaving for Easter Thursday afternoon, so maybe sometime before then. We could plan on staying after class, and since we have a week to inform everybody maybe it'll work out this time.

  33. Me and Jamie our at Gorgas right now putting together an outline for the power point and everyone needs to meet this upcoming week. It is vital that we all meet because I am sure we all want this done before we start studying for finals. WE MUST MEET THIS UPCOMING WEEK.

  34. txt me 6628894795 with times to meet


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