Wednesday, January 19, 2011


In 3-4 paragraphs, please respond to the following questions by adding a “comment” to THIS post (rather than creating a new blog post).  Commenting is required and counts toward your grade for the week.

First, please write 5 words to describe your general perspective of what Feminism is prior to reading this week’s assignments.  Next, write 5 words to describe your perspective after reading this week’s assignments.  Please write a brief reflection of how your views have or have not changed and why?  Can you identify the primary ideologies and institutions that have informed YOUR view of Feminism today. [Please speak honestly, there is no “right” or “wrong” answer]

Secondly, After having read the Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions given at the Seneca Falls Women’s Rights Convention of 1848, and the two documents written by the National Organization for Women in the 1960s, do you think that there are any similar grievances that are still unresolved in U.S.
society today? What are they? In other words, what are the limits on women’s rights that still need to be addressed and which resolutions have not been fully fulfilled. In your opinion, which of these is most urgent? Please draw from these documents directly in your answer.

Finally, what perspective does Sojourner Truth offer to both movements? How is her perspective different than the Seneca Falls document and why? How do you think her speech might have helped women’s rights activists? How might it have hindered them? Why is this important?

Sunday, January 16, 2011

"You Say I'm a Feminist Like It's a Bad Thing"

What do all of you think about this quote? Why does Feminism, why do feminists get such a bad rep? Do you identify as a feminist? Why/why not? Do you think feminism is important today? Why/why not?