Wednesday, March 23, 2011


  1. Kaylyn Johnson
  2. Will Deshazo
  3. Sierra Terrell
  4. Paige Blonder
  5. Virginia Jackson
  6. Rachel Licata


  1. Hey you guys! I was just looking at the project ideas and I think a good one to do would maybe be the third bullet point where we interview people around campus about a certain issue..I think it would be fun and easy to go around video taping interviews and also we can maybe may surveys and have people fill them out and get even more information about the certain issue we decide..

  2. I think interviews and/or surveys would be great, but I was thinking that if we wanted to do a bit more, we could combine it with an educational event. Like, we could host a discussion with a brief introductory lecture and have participants fill out surveys before and after to see how opinions can be changed simply be being better informed.

    I think it's also really important that whatever issue we decide upon is one that the majority of us care about. The issue most important to me is heterosexism, but that's the kind of activism I already do a lot of, so I'm definitely open to other ideas. I think we should try to do something different from what the majority of campus diversity discussions have been about lately, like racism and sexism (in general, though I'm open to doing specific "arms" of sexism) so that people will be more interested in participating and so that we can really offer something new. That being said, I would love to do a project about trans-misogyny because it's something that the majority of people, queer or otherwise, don't really talk about or even think about.

  3. I agree with Kaylyn about the transmisogyny idea because it is something that most people dont think about, especially here at Alabama. That being said, I think it would be interesting to interview random people on campus about the topic to see what they have to say about it, as well as ask them questions. Because it is a topic that most people do talk about or do not know about I think we could get some really interesting and compelling interviews. I also like Kaylyn's idea about hosting an educational lecture. If we covered transmisogyny in the lecture as well as in the interviews we could really get some interesting opinions. Hopefully by the end of the lecture the group will have changed their opinions on the subject in a more positive light if they did not start out with a positive out look in the beginning.

  4. Also, we need to be thinking about what kind of media presentation we want to do. Honestly, I have NO skills in that area, though I know the Sanford Media Center is there to teach us how to do things like edit videos. If one of you is really skilled at some form of media, PLEASE speak up so that we can best utilize our resources. We don't have tons of time for this, especially if we're trying to host an event, so I think it's important that we recognize our collective skills set and work from there, and I know that's kind of a vague question, but I feel like that should be the focus of the beginning of our discussion on Monday.

  5. You all have come up with a couple of great ideas so far. I really like the first comment posted. With the surveys and the educational event, I think it would be a good idea to do before and after surveys. Meaning that we should give the surveys to the audience before the event and then give them another survey after they are properly informed about the topic to see how their personal views will or will not change. If there is a big crowd, then I think it would be best to use only a sample of the surveys for the project.

  6. I am a photography major and I have had to make a few videos in some of my classes so I'm pretty sure I can figure it out. Ive worked with the Sanford Media center before and they were very helpful. So yeah, I'll do my best to make it work haha.

  7. Hey y'all,
    I had a little family emergency so I am sorry for not posting on time and I also will not be in class on Monday due to this emergency so please keep me posted on everything I love the idea of interviewing on a certain topic and seeing everyone's opinion about the topic. I think we should go pretty deep into our topic and make surveys about the topic.

  8. Hey, for some reason, Will, when I was sending you the email with everyone's email address, the email to you did not go through, so I'm not sure what I did wrong there. I had

    Paige, if you could send your email address to me at or just post it here, that would be great. Once you do, I'll send you an email with everything we discussed today in class. Thanks!

  9. Hey Kaylyn,

    It's wfdeshazo, haha I figured it may have been spelled wrong. Ideas are working well though...see all of you Wednesday at 6:30, Gorgas

  10. Hey yall I will not be able to make it to the library tonight! Please let me know what yall discussed and what i need to do! Also i think that we should post our email addresses on here so that everyone will have them! Mine is

  11. Hey, sorry I didn't see your post before, Rachel. I hope you got the email I sent you. Shoot me an email (my address is posted above) if you didn't. Thanks!


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