Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Toronto Slutwalk

Since we're discussing violence against women this week, I thought it appropriate to bring up a Toronto police officer's comment at a York University event that women should avoid dressing "like sluts" in order to be victimized. In response, Slutwalk Toronto was organized as "a march designed to draw attention to the way in which the term 'slut' is used to stigmatize and invalidate women." There's some great pictures at the link. This, to me, is the most powerful:

1 comment:

  1. I heard about this via another blogging site. I love the idea behind this!
    It has always bothered me that "whore" and "slut" are used against women, but when trying to describe a male who partakes in the same behavior, a lot of people add that prefix to it (for example: saying a guy is a "man-whore" is something i hear quite a bit). It's great to see attention being called to this issue.


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